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To view any of our past lectures please visit our YouTube channel.

Louis XIV, Patron, Collector, Creator

Learn about Louis XIV’s significance in connecting political and diplomatic history with art, collections and garden history.

Migration, mobility and demography in later prehistoric Britain

Society of Antiquaries of London Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, United Kingdom

Learn about the evidence for significant population movement into southern Britain during the last few centuries of the second millennium BC.

Affiliate Members Tour

Society of Antiquaries of London Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, United Kingdom

Affiliate Members - Join us for an introductory tour of Burlington House to learn more about the Society and its Collections.

The Future of Archaeology in England

Society of Antiquaries of London Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, United Kingdom

This seminar follows The Future of Archaeology in England: A Manifesto from November 2020.