Library & Collections

Our Library at Burlington House is the largest antiquarian library in the country, with an outstanding collection amassed over 300 years. With a focus on the history of material culture, the Library covers British and Northern European archaeology, architectural history, heraldry, book and collecting history, art history and the decorative arts, antiquarianism, British local history – and many other related subjects besides. We continue to collect books that reflect these areas today, and many are generously donated by our Fellows and researchers.

Interested in using the Library? Please read our FAQs below:

How can I find out what you have?
To find out more about specific areas of our collection, see the Collections In Depth page, which summarises our printed books, manuscripts, archives, prints & drawings and museum object holdings.

When is the Library open?
The Library is open Monday – Friday10am – 5pm, during September – July (closed bank and public holidays, and between Christmas and New Year). We close annually in August to allow us to carry out essential maintenance and collections care tasks.
Please note the Library will be closed on Friday 21st February due to an all-day event taking place at Burlington House. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

How can I use the Library, Archives and Museum Collections?
We warmly welcome visits from external researchers to consult unique material or publications that are not readily available elsewhere (see our Conditions for Research Access [PDF]). External researchers must contact us in advance to book a visit. Please ensure you have checked our catalogues first, and email us at [email protected] to arrange an appointment for printed items and prints & drawings, or [email protected] for archival material and manuscripts.

If you would like to use the Library as and when you like, browse the open shelves and borrow books, why not join us as an Affiliate Member?

For all Museum enquiries and visiting arrangements, please see Museum Visitor Factsheet [PDF] or contact the Museum Collections Manager at [email protected].

What services does the Library offer visitors?
> Free wifi
> PC terminals with access to c.100 subscription e-journals and databases (including JSTOR, the ODNB, and specialist archaeology, history and art journals)
> a self-service photocopier/scanner for a small charge per printed page (free to save scans to your own USB stick)
> an overhead book camera connected to a PC terminal for tightly-bound or pre-1850 printed items (free to save scans to your own USB stick)

We allow photography of the collections (in suitable condition) without flash for personal research use. Need images for reproduction and/or publication? Please see our Image Service for the request form and relevant ts&cs.

Do you offer access to SCONUL members?
Yes! The Society is a member of SCONUL and offers access to Band A users (staff and research students). SCONUL users can visit the Library without having to make an appointment, other than for items shelved in a Closed Access store, which must be requested at least a working day in advance. SCONUL users have walk-in access to our e-resources and can borrow up to 8 books at a time, but this does not include postal loans. All SCONUL users must bring their Band A email confirmation from their home institution and an institutional ID card.

Are there any additional requirements I need to know?
External researchers must bring photographic ID and will be asked to sign a visitor’s form upon arrival. Our policy on Your privacy and GDPR [PDF] explains what data we keep and why. Fellows, Affiliate Members and SCONUL users are issued with Library cards.

All visitors to Burlington House during main opening hours (10am-5pm) must wear lanyards. These will be issued upon arrival to the front desk and are colour-coded accordingly for Fellows, Affiliates and other visitors.

We request all users leave large bags (including rucksacks) and coats in the ground floor cloakroom; plastic bags are provided for bringing belongings upstairs to the Library.

Food and drink is not permitted in the Library (there is a water dispenser on the ground floor). We do not have a lunch space or café on site, but the Royal Academy of Arts next door has a public café (closed Mondays) and there are many cafés, shops and restaurants nearby on Piccadilly.

Pencils (no pens) are to be used if any historic material is being consulted. Please follow all handling guidelines from staff and use book cushions, supports and snake weights when necessary.

The Library is on the first floor accessed by the main staircase. There is a lift at the back of the building up to the first floor. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have specific access requirements so we can make any relevant adjustments.

Any material in a closed store, including printed books shelved in ‘Closed access’, prints & drawings, and all archives and manuscripts, must be requested in advance (at least one working day) by any Library user wishing to consult this material.