The Society’s Collections & Research Day

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Event Series Event Series: Conferences

The Society’s Collections & Research Day

November 27, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Join the Society of Antiquaries, both online and in-person at Burlington House, to celebrate their archive, library, and museum collections. 

The Society is home to over 40,000 objects, paintings, prints and drawings, and its world-renowned library contains over 130,000 books and manuscripts. We also own Kelmscott Manor, the former home of craftsman and designer William Morris and his family. Collected over a 300-year period, the Society’s unique items span many centuries of human history and material culture, from Palaeolithic stone tools to Tudor royal portraits.  

Our Collections and Research Day showcases current staff and volunteer projects, as well as critical, theoretical, creative, and practice-based responses to our collections and those of related organisations. Confirmed speakers include Hardeep Dhindsa (King’s College London), Alice Dodds (Courtauld Institute of Art), Joe Ellis (University of York), Jonn Gale (Birkbeck University), Ellie Glasser (University of York and Merchant Taylors’ Company), Keely Hayes-Davies (University of York), Emma Mitchell (Brunel University London), and Dr Hannah Yip (University of Manchester).

Booking for in-person tickets has now closed – please contact [email protected] with any queries.


Society of Antiquaries Collections Team: New Approaches to 300 Years of Collecting (Chair: Dunia Garcia-Ontiveros, SAL Head of Library and Museum Collections)

Hear from SAL staff about their current projects, including Kat Petersen (Archivist) on working with volunteers and Iolo Walton (Museum Documentation Assistant) on researching and documenting the 3,000 woodblocks which were used to print the Society’s early publications. Becky Loughead (Librarian) shares her work on ballads and broadsides printed between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, and Kella Lawrinson (Assistant Librarian) uses a Cromwellian poem to think about how we can understand collections collaboratively. Dr Michelle Johansen (Learning and Outreach Manager) provides an overview of the National Lottery Heritage Funded project “Sensing History”, which shares our building and collections with people of all ages through open days, late events, and learning workshops.

Panel One: Space and Progress (Chair: Dr Callan Davies FSA, University of Southampton)

Keely Hayes-Davies: Pageantry, Propaganda or Pastime: Re-framing Space on Progress in the Reign of Henry VIII

Monarchy was never so personal as on progress. By examining Henry VIII’s 1535 progress to Bristol and his 1541 progress to York, this paper will examine progress through the buildings in which the king stayed; how and why the king’s hosts built speculatively to prepare for the king, and what the configuration of rooms within these buildings can tell us about personal monarchy in the reign of Henry VIII.

Progresses allowed the king to consolidate his image, strengthen his authority in the localities and nurture his relationships with the political elite. If kingship is reinforced through this performance, then the adaption and use of space to stage monarchy can be analysed to help us understand where and how progresses reinforce the king’s authority, and how these spaces were controlled.

Keely Hayes-Davies is an early modern historian specialising in Henry VIII’s royal progresses, seeking to build a complete itinerary for the reign of Henry VIII for the first time. She has a particular interest in exploring personal monarchy, politics, and the relationship between power and space. Currently in the final year of her PhD at the University of York, she has previously been involved with the AHRC-funded Henry on Tour Network, a collaborative network between historians, curators, archaeologists and heritage professionals. In 2022, she joined the AHRC-funded Henry on Tour project as their Impact and Outreach Coordinator. Keely’s most recent publication, “Progresses and Personal Monarchy in the Reign of Henry VIII”, jointly authored with J.P.D. Cooper in Royal Journeys in Early Modern Europe: Progresses, Palaces and Panache (Routledge, 2022), offers new perspectives on journeys made by Henry VIII.

Joe Ellis: ‘Proximitie’ and ‘Distaunce’: Political Manipulation of Space on the Jacobean Royal Progress 1580-1625

James VI and I was unique in the history of English monarchs in undertaking extensive annual progresses throughout his reign. He utilised the optics and material culture of travel to (re)present himself to subjects at all levels of the social strata. Despite his modern reputation, contemporaries viewed him as an approachable king. Indeed, progresses epitomise his dynamic and ‘face-to-face’ style of kingship. This paper will examine how James manipulated proximity and distance to project royal authority in various settings, including roads, towns and country houses. In Scotland, James’s perpetual movement enabled him to assert political independence in spite of powerful and unpredictable opposition. After 1603, space and motion were central to his conception of ‘Britain’, and he actively deployed the travelling court as a ‘cultural performance of imperium’. Interior court spaces, away from the capital cities, constituted an amalgamation of the public and private spheres. By commandeering the materiality and architecture of such spaces, James influenced his noble subjects and elicited support for future policy. Thus, for James, progresses were not a diversion from the business of government, as often claimed, but were the business of government.

Joe Ellis is a WRoCAH-funded PhD candidate in his final year of study at the University of York. Prior to this he completed a master’s degree, also at York, for which he was awarded the Early Modern History Dissertation Prize. His research focuses on the politicisation of royal travel, specifically the progresses of James VI & I in Scotland and England. Having a keen interest in public history, he has undertaken a curatorship internship at Hampton Court Palace, and regularly contributes to blogs, history magazines and podcasts, most recently the History Extra Podcast.

Panel Two: Touch and Embodiment (Chair: Dr Sara Perry FSA, University College London)

Jonn Gale: Working with Vital Materiality: Methodologies for Centring Agency and Visibility in Botanical Archival Research

Speculative Ethnobotany is the methodological framework proposed and developed throughout my PhD research to indicate new ways for thinking through, and with the constraints of conducting hidden histories research across botanical collections.
Ethnobotany is an interdisciplinary field that investigates human-plant relationships, documents and promotes traditional plant knowledge and practices, and seeks to decrease the erosion of traditional plant knowledge by developing collaborative research models that include indigenous communities. The framework of my research is a patchwork methodology that combines speculative analysis of historical and archival material, ethnobotanical field research, and the creative practice of visual ethnography. This paper introduces the visual ethnography employed and argues for how and why this practice can stimulate multiverse, relational, process-focused, and horizontal interventions across the botanical collections of the Linnean Society of London. The visual ethnography employed serves both as a mode for navigating research and as one of its principal outputs. It centres sensorial and haptic reverberations activated in research and serves as a moving image research diary that reflects and defines the speculative interruptions proposed throughout the research. Informed by indigenous ethno-fictions – relational documentaries built around storytelling and the aesthetics of accountability, my research framework considers human-plant relations as embodied, multi-sensory, discursive, and grounded in kinship. The practice seeks to make historical ethnobotany more relational and accessible by using the visual ethnography so to initiate dialogue with and generate feedback from communities where specimen collections originate, and by attending to the multi-layered, embodied, and the sensorial, to centre the agency, endurance, and the affective temporalities of botanical objects as historical actors that can help narrate alternative natural histories.

Jonn Gale is a London based Bulgarian-Nigerian ethnobotanist who combines speculative analysis of historical and archival material, ethnobotanical research, and sensory-focused visual ethnography as means for conducting hidden histories research and stimulating repair and reactivation across botanical archives. Jonn is currently undertaking a practice led AHRC/CHASE Collaborate Doctorate at Birkbeck, University of London and the Linnean Society of London – investigating the contributions of Black and Indigenous naturalists to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century natural knowledge. Their research involves the study of botanical specimens and manuscripts held at the Linnean Society of London, identifying and tracing hidden actors, mapping knowledge networks, and developing a new decolonial approach for recovering and sharing information from this archive.

Hardeep Singh Dhindsa: Histories of Racialised Touch in the Eighteenth-Century Sculpture Gallery

Touch, a sense that has largely disappeared from the twenty-first century museum, played an important role in consolidating the relationship between viewer and object during the eighteenth century. Sophie von la Roche’s written account of her visit to the British Museum in 1786 certainly conveys the intimacy that could be achieved through handling these objects:

Nor could I restrain my desire to touch the ashes of an urn on which a female figure was being mourned. I felt it gently, with great feeling … I pressed the grain of dust between my fingers tenderly, just as her best friend might once have grasped her hand.

Touch, however, also inferred notions of power and possession. As such, this paper explores how learned Britons operating within different intellectual communities understood touch, or ‘virtual touch’ as some scholars have described, and drew Greco-Roman marble sculptures into the matrix of racial categorisation through descriptions of smoothness and form. It will also consider how non-European bodies could be classified as distinctly nonclassical through the same lenses, as well as the breakdown of these categories when non-Europeans assimilated to European levels of civility. The aim of this paper then, is to (re)contextualise networks of knowledge that drew together various groups of people operating across the empire, from connoisseurs to travel writers, natural historians to medics, artists to classicists, for all of whom touch played an important empirical role in their respective work.

Hardeep Dhindsa is a PhD researcher at King’s College London and is a specialist in classical art and its receptions. His doctoral thesis questions the relationship between ethno-nationalism and imperial identity on the eighteenth-century British Grand Tour. In 2022 he undertook a Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship at the British School at Rome, where he researched the exoticisation of southern Italy by British travellers. Hardeep is a postgraduate representative of the British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies and he collaborated with Bishopsgate Institute to create a walking tour of vanishing imperial architecture in City of London.

Emma Mitchell: The Path to Mother Ludlum’s Hole: Folklore, Antiquarianism and Somatic Storytelling

Antiquary Francis Grose published The Antiquities of England and Wales between 1773 and 1787, touring the country and recording sites steeped in local folklore, including Mother Ludlam’s Hole, near Farnham in Surrey, a sandstone cave reputed to be the home of a local witch. Mother Ludlum, as an example of a pre-Christian, generous, but not entirely benign magical crone, is both preserved and contained by the antiquary and his Enlightenment rationality, with local folklore removed from the oral tradition of the ‘rustick’ community and placed into the realm of rational knowledge, where it is stripped of its power for consumption by the scholarly.A copy of this page from Grose’s work was purchased on eBay, revealing its own twenty-first-century vulnerability to the imposition of new meaning, removed from its context and presented as a curiosity. The page was subjected to a series of experimental and somatic writing practices, including archival research, a site visit, and performing rituals to initiate dialogue with the voices of Grose, Mother Ludlum, and the community she served. This paper explores our understanding and our bodily experience of place, time and story, challenging the antiquary’s need to circumscribe, contain and explain Britain’s magical, often matriarchal, past.
Emma Mitchell is an AHRC-funded Creative Writing doctoral researcher at Brunel University London whose work uses archival research and experimental literary forms and practices to reclaim the voices of marginalised women from History. Her project focusses on Georgian sex workers and works with contemporary documents, objects and ephemera to generate narratives that place women’s voices front and centre. An ex-school teacher and brand strategist, she has performed worldwide as a comedian, circus and burlesque artist, and is best known for her critically-acclaimed one-woman show, The Naked Stand Up. She’s been featured in The Times, Daily Mail, Scotsman, The Daily Record and even The Sun. She has appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Late Night Woman’s Hour discussing nudity, the body and her work. Her recent writing has been published by Haunted Girlfriend, Broken Sleep, Steel Incisors and Streetcake among others.

Panel Three: Text and Textiles (Chair: Dr Helen Wickstead FSA, Kingston University)

Hannah Yip: Society of Antiquaries, MS 293: Preaching Printed Sermons in Early Modern England

This paper begins by focusing on an intriguing manuscript in the Society of Antiquaries of London Library. MS 293, an octavo volume of twenty sermons dating from the 1670s, is attributed to one ‘Richard Bagnall’ of Somersetshire and is the only volume of manuscript sermons originating from seventeenth-century England within the Society’s collections. The first two sermons in this manuscript provide important insights into Bagnall’s compositional process. Most notably, closer examination of these sermons reveals that they are based heavily on The Stewards Last Account (1622), a volume of sermons by his namesake, Robert Bagnall. This paper investigates other instances of the adaptation of printed sermons for oral delivery, simultaneously exploring wider debates about the preaching of published sermons in late seventeenth-century England.

Hannah Yip is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at the University of Manchester, specialising in the cultural and emotional lives of early modern English clergymen. Her current project is entitled ‘The Clergy and Artistic Recreation in Early Modern England’. Her work has been published in the Journal of Ecclesiastical History and Reformation, in addition to more popular platforms such as The Conversation. Hannah’s research interests also include early modern histories of loneliness and precarity; her co-edited collection of essays, Writing Early Modern Loneliness, is published with Palgrave Macmillan (2024).

Ellie Glasser: From Guildhall to Grave: The Hearse Cloths of London’s Livery Companies

This talk explores the eight surviving late-medieval funeral palls in the collections of London Livery Companies, embedded in the context of their sparsely surviving counterparts in museums, private collections and churches across England and Europe. One such example is the fragment of the so-called Pall of Prince Arthur, preserved in the collection of the Society of Antiquaries.

Here, new research on these little studied objects will be brought together to offer a first explanation of their commission, material compositions, iconographies, ritualistic function, and their object afterlives. We will consider the cost and origins of their materials; their symbolic value as components of conspicuous consumption; how they contributed to the visual schema of late-medieval and early-modern funerals in the City; the relationship between donors and institutions; and why this unusual pattern of survival and continued use occurred in the context of London Livery Companies, despite their potent imagery.

Ellie Glasser is a White Rose College Scholar at the University of York, undertaking a PhD in the department of History of Art with Professor Tim Ayers and Professor Jeanne Nuechterlein. Her research focuses on eight surviving late medieval funeral textiles, housed in the private collections of London’s Livery Companies, with reference to a small number of other such objects preserved across England and Europe. Previously, Ellie completed an MA at the Courtauld Institute with Dr. Tom Nickson, producing research on an unstudied Limoges enamel plaque in the British Museum, published in Archaeologia Cantiana in 2021. She is the curator of the Merchant Taylors’ Company collection at the Company’s 14th century hall on Threadneedle Street in the City of London. She strives to bring the Company’s collection of art, books and manuscripts into the public domain through diverse digitisation projects and continues to develop their digital collections on their website.

Alice Dodds: ‘If I could but see it’: May Morris and the Visual Archive of Utopia in The Homestead and the Forest (1889)

Recounting his first impressions of a young May Morris, the socialist John Bruce Glasier remarked that despite her reputation in the socialist wing of the Arts and Crafts movement, he found her quiet and more inclined to embroider than to talk at socialist meetings. Subsequent scholarship seems to have agreed, finding a political reticence in Morris’ work and an archival documentary silence regarding Morris’ contributions to the Arts and Crafts Movement’s utopian project. This paper hopes to complicate this, identifying that there is no lack in evidence of Morris’ utopian contributions. Instead, if we consider Glasier’s remark that Morris was more inclined to embroider than speak, it becomes clear that we have, perhaps, been looking for evidence in media that Morris did not work in, searching for textual political tracts rather than considering visual sources.

Taking Morris’ 1889 embroidery The Homestead and the Forest as a case study, this paper identifies a rich visual archive of utopian thought amongst its stitches. Through this I hope not only to illuminate an aspect of the embroidery’s iconography yet to be fully interrogated in the rapidly growing research on Morris, but ask the question of how visual analysis can be a generative starting point for archival research, shedding light on textual sources that may, otherwise, appear unremarkable.

Alice Dodds is CHASE funded doctoral researcher at the Courtauld Institute of Art, specialising in modern British Art. Her PhD research explores women’s environmental utopianism in Britain from 1880 to 1940, and focusses largely on the Arts and Crafts movement and subsequent modernist craft communes. She has worked with the Royal Society of Arts, Hammersmith Climate Carnival and William Morris Society on young people’s engagement with the environment through art and design, and has spoken internationally on ecology in modernist art and literature.


9am: Registration (with tea and coffee)
9.45am-9.50am: Welcome from Natasha McEnroe FSA
9.50am-9.55am: Introductory Remarks, Professor Martin Millett FSA, FBA
9.55am-11.15am: Presentations from Burlington House Collections Team
11.15am-11.30: Tea and Coffee Break
11.30am-12.30pm: Panel One: Space and Progress
12.30pm-2pm: Lunch (provided)
2-3.15pm: Panel Two: Touch and Embodiment
3.15pm-3.45pm: Tea and Coffee Break
3.45pm-5pm: Panel Three: Text and Textiles
5pm-6pm: Reception

Booking for in-person tickets has now closed – please contact [email protected] with any queries.

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November 27, 2024
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Event Category:


Society of Antiquaries of London
Burlington House, Piccadilly
London, W1J 0BE United Kingdom
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